Dr Amit Sable is a Consultant and Associate Professor at Ayurveda Payyanur. He is an expert in Laser therapy from The Canadian Board of Medicine. With an experience of more than over a decade Dr Amit Sable continues to serve patients in and around PCMC area. His unique counselling and surgical skills along with treating the disease at its very nascent stage and avoiding surgery until it becomes very necessary brings praises to his pathy.
Specializes in : Proctologist (Piles, Fissure, Fistula)
Experience : 10 Years
Education : M.S. (Shalyatantra)
Dr. Atul is working in the field of anorectal since last 10 years. He is post graduate of this subject from reknown Govt. College of ayurvedafrom Ernakulam, Kerala. He has develop his own treatment of anorectaldiseses, with the great combination of kerala Ayurvedic treatment along with allopathic treatment, which assures the 100% cure. He is master in painless methods.
Our Lady Piles specialist Dr. Sarita More adds value to our services. We address both the physical and emotional well-being of our patients. Usually lady patients are more comfortable with a lady doctor consulting and treating her where she can open up and speak to her sharing the symptoms she is gong through which helps in the early and accurate diagnosis, thus helping expediting the time for early recovery to the patient.